Galerie Baudelaire on Tour
during Unseen Amsterdam (Westergas)
Martijn Doolaard » Jacquie Maria Wessels »
Exhibition: 19 Sep – 22 Sep 2019
Thu 19 Sep 18:00 - 21:00
Pazzanistraat 11
1014 DB Amsterdam

Galerie Baudelaire
Plantin en Moretuslei 119
2140 Antwerp
Sat 14-18, Mon-Fri by appt.

Galerie Baudelaire on Tour:
Jacquie Maria Wessels and Martijn Doolaard
Exhibition: 19 - 22 September, 2019
Opening: Thursday, 19 September, 18-21h
Opening Hours:
Thu 14.30-21h, Fri & Sat 10.30-20h, Sun 10.30-17h
Galerie Baudelaire [Antwerp, BE] presents a duo exhibition during Unseen Amsterdam at the Westergasfabriekterrein with photography by Jacquie Maria Wessels and by Martijn Doolaard from their latest series, respectively "Garage Stills" and "Fiction Romance".
Garage Stills – Jacquie Maria Wessels
For her Garage Stills project, Jacquie Maria Wessels is looking for traditional car repair garages all over the world. She is fascinated and intrigued by the shapes and colours of the mysterious, to her completely unknown objects she discovers in this wonderful universe. With the found attributes she creates painterly still lifes on the spot, which she captures with an analogue camera. The poetic Garage Stills with challenging colour formations and staging surprise and have an attractive beauty, but are also a document of a disappearing world.

Fiction Romance – Martijn Doolaard
The starting point for each photo is an existing image, whether created by Doolaard or not, which he then digitally edits. His interventions are those of a painter: he wipes, fragments, fades, scratches, deforms, obscures or attacks with fierce swipes with his digital brush. The final designs generate a wealth of visual and interpretative possibilities that far exceed the modest parameters of the original image. In a moment of inconsideration the familiar world disappears, and at the same time something unknown appears, that dismays and troubles, but also fascinates and attracts.
Galerie Baudelaire
Galerie Baudelaire, a gallery for international contemporary art photography, shows photography with a pronounced evocative character. Photography that surprises, intrigues, irritates and touches. Photography in which fantasy, imagination and individuality take the lead, in the spirit of the art criticism of Charles Baudelaire.
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