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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Trappenhuis c-print 80 x 110 cm

Ellen Korth »

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Book Presentation and exhibition


Fri 24 Oct 17:00

Drukkerij Flevodruk

Westeinde 100
3844 DR Harderwijk



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
No-masker c-print 130 x 150 cm

Book: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Kunst en Architectuur Ellen Korth + Herman Bessels Hardback, 30 x 30cm, 128 pages full color www.psitems.nl ISBN: 90 77204511/NUR 652

Ellen Korth- Photograph artist Living and working in the Netherlands and Germany www.ellenkorth.com Herman Bessels, architect Living and working in the Netherlands www.bessels.com Book presentation with exhibition Friday 24 October 17:00 hours Drukkerij Flevodruk Westeinde 100, 3844 DR Harderwijk, Netherlands Tel.: 0031-341-412027 www.flevodruk.nl Exhibition from 11 April 2009 - 17 May 2009 Kunsthal Hof88 Elisabethhof 6, 7607 ZD Almelo, Netherlands opening hours: thuesday til sunday : 13:00 - 17:00 hours Tel.: 0031-546-814523 www.indigoalmelo.nl In 2007 the architect Herman Bessels and the artist Ellen Korth decided produce a book . They travelled to all the industrial areas in the Netherlands and Germany where buildings by Herman Bessels stand. In this book, a joint cooperation between the architect Herman Bessels and the artist Ellen Korth, we find three things: the photographic documentation of building works and drawings in the hand of Herman Bessels, and pictures of freely-dawn works and picture-texts-collages by the woman artist. These latter works display on the architect’s back poems written by both of them which, as a formal sign of the relation of the contents, also comprise the katern of the book. At a time when both were searching for new paths in their work, they met in an airplane en route to Japan, the beginning of a close friendship between the architect and the artist. Thus, the book presented here is also an indication of the spiritual dialogue between the two, and the poems, which appear as if engraved in the skin of the back, are at the same time symbolic of a new backbone. Herman Bessels and Ellen Korth have entered into a symbiosis that has become the reason for this book. On the one hand, it is a look back to what has been created. On the other hand, it is the outlook for a path leading onwards, and this book is to stand at its beginning. It is, as it were, a declaration of love for the belief that architecture and art are merely two words, which once upon a time questioned the erstwhile concept of the art of building. In her detailed research with her camera, the photograph artist Ellen Korth has detected in the buildings of Herman Bessels traces of the relationship, capturing them in excerpts that nevertheless represent the whole. This book bears no claim to documentary or biography, but makes a theme of the interplay of two closely-interwoven art forms. It is largely the outer shells of the buildings, which mirror the striving for function, form and shape. And likewise, these are the intentions of the artist, who desires a view behind the façade of human appearance in her photographs. "Beauty in the eye of the beholder". This leitmotif runs like a thread through all details of the book. And the transparent pages equally bespeak the symbolic content of e new view to the actions aiming for clarity, light and transparency. Expressing the inner processes in the outer form, making the interior the principle of the exterior - vice versa.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
geveldetail c-print 80 x 110 cm
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
No-masker c-print 130 x 150 cm