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Bush Portraits / Portraits de Brousse 1963-1978
© Oumar Ly

Oumar Ly »

Bush Portraits / Portraits de Brousse 1963-1978

Exhibition: 2 Oct – 1 Dec 2013

Le Comptoir General - Le Studio Photo

80, quai de Jemmapes
75010 Paris

Le Comptoir General

80, quai de Jemmapes
75010 Paris



With the exhibition Oumar Ly, Bush Portraits, the museum is inaugurating its new department, The Photo Studio, wich is entirely dedicated to the promotion of African studio photography.

The Senegalese photographer exhibited for the first time at the Galerie du Manège in Dakar. Supported by the Marie-Louise & Fils association, his work has been edited and exhibited at the International Photographic Meetings event in Bamako (2009), at the African Museum of Lyon (2010); at the Brighton Festival (GB, 2011), and by the Galerie de Filles du Calvaire for Paris-Photo (2011). This year, he will exhibit for the first time at Le Comptoir Général, where Ouma will reproduce his traditional photographic technique in taking the portraits of visistors at the “Studio Thioffy”, a reconstruction of his own studio in Podor, the city where he lives in the north of Senegal.