HA Schult »
Trash People
Photomeetings Luxembourg 2014
Exhibition: 9 Sep – 25 Oct 2014
Mon 8 Sep 19:30 - 21:00

Exhibition: Place Clairefontaine: 6 – 14 September 2014
Exhibition Galerie Clairefontaine: 8 September – 25 October 2014
For decades HA Schult has managed to stimulate public awareness using images he has experienced. His concerns are with the excesses of western culture, the rhythms of life in a throwaway society. He works in the tradition of Pop Art, being influenced by commercial advertising and a critical view of consumerism, but also creates happenings. He describes himself as an ardent proponent of the “new ecological consciousness” and was referred to as an “eco-art pioneer”. His best known works include the touring work, "Trash People", and "Save The Beach".
1996 struck the birth of HA SCHULT's Trash People, lifesize sculptures made from trash. They are our spitting image. They stood on Moscow’s Red Square, on the Great Wall in China, and in front of the Pyramids of Giza. They gathered 2800m high at the Matterhorn and 880m deep in the salt mine of Gorleben, Germany. The Present-Time-Refugees came to a halt in Paris, in Cologne, in Rome, in Washington D.C. and on the no longer eternal ice of the Arctic. In 2014 they are travelling from Israel to Place Clairefontaine, Luxembourg City.