Unseen Photo Fair 2014
Booth 29
Tiane Doan na Champassak » Sarah Mei Herman » Lonneke van der Palen » Lorenzo Vitturi »
Exhibition: 18 Sep – 21 Sep 2014
Unseen Photo Fair

Kahmann Gallery will be presenting new and exciting work by Lonneke van der Palen, Tiane Doan na Champassak, Sarah Mei Herman and Lorenzo Vitturi. The work of Tiane will be a premiered at Unseen.
Kahmann Gallery embodies all that is photography. Founded in 2005 with a focus on Dutch vintage photography, the scope has broadened over time to include equal volumes of work of international and contemporary photographers. Kahmann Gallery will remain a specialist in the sale of unique photography that has made history or will most likely do so.
Kahmann Gallery initiates about 6 exhibitions a year, cooperates with various international galleries and museums and participates in (inter)national art fairs. The gallery also acts as an art dealer and advisor for the acquisition of photography for company or corporate collections.. For more information about the available works, special requests or other questions, please contact us via info@kahmanngallery.com or +31 (0)20 - 846 07 70.