Tessa Verder »
Timeless land
Exhibition: 18 Oct – 15 Nov 2014
Sat 18 Oct 16:00 - 18:00
Galerie Roger Katwijk
Prinsengracht 737
1017 JX Amsterdam
+31 (0)20-6273808
Wed-Sat 13-18

Tessa Verder: 2 Solo Shows
"Timeless land"
Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam
Exhibition: 18 October – 15 November 2014
Opening: 18 October 2014, 16-18h
"Blaue Blume"
Galerie Martin Mertens, Berlin
Exhibition: 17 October – 29 November 2014
Opening: 17 October from 18-21h
'Painting in Photograhy and Photography in Painting'
Artist talk led by Jurriaan Benschop, art critic: 8 November, 18h
A recognizable longing is mirrored in the photographic works of Tessa Verder (1967, NL). A longing for a counterbalance in this technologically high-developed era of communication. The quest for this is expressed in her landscapes, which originate in a combination of elements from old master paintings and photographs she takes on here travels to remote places. Both elements are brought together in such a way that a whole new original landscape is created. These imaginable landscapes are, in all their stillness, both familiar and incongruous at the same.
The consciously composed images are showing the connection, greatness and archaic power of nature. Tessa Verder is therewith not only making a direct art-historical and pictorial connection to the German Romantics, but she is also connecting the "Sehnsucht", hence joining times through centuries.

Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam
Lange Leidsedwarsstraat 198-200
1017 NR Amsterdam
+31 20 627 38 08
Galerie Martin Mertens, Berlin
Linienstraße 148
10115 Berlin
+49 30 440 433 50