30th anniversary of Centre de la Photographie Genève (CPG)
- Party - Tombola (>100 Artworks) - Auction (12 Artworks) -
Rhona Bitner » Silvie Defraoui » Sylvie Fleury » Michel François » Fabrice Gygi » Carsten Höller » Boris Mikhailov » Gianni Motti » Franck Scurti » Jeff Wall »
Wed 26 Nov 19:00
Centre de la Photographie Genève
28, rue des Bains
1205 Genève
Tue-Sun 11-18

CPG Centre de la Photographie Genève
28, rue des Bains
1205 Genève
Tue-Sun 11-18

left: Untitled (#99 110SH; de la série Circus), 1999
right: Untitled (#96 105FM3; de la série Circus), 1996
Ilfochrome monté sur aluminium
25.4 x 20.3 cm
Ed. 4/5 + 2AP, signée
© Rhona Bitner
30th anniversary of Centre de la Photographie Genève (CPG)
PARTY AUCTION TOMBOLA Wednesday November 26th
AUCTION On-line from November 11-26
Fundraising event to support Geneva’s Centre de la photographie. The CPG needs your help to continue and grow its activities. Over 100 artists will participate in our raffle drawing and auction.
Support our event online at: wemakeit.com/projects/30ans-centre-photo-geneve.
Reservations and information:
+41 (0)22 329 28 35
- Party - Tombola drawing - Auction -
This year, the Center of photography Geneva (CPG) celebrates its 30th anniversary. We will have a party for this occasion on November 26th, 2014.
7:00 p.m. Cocktails
8:00 p.m. Raffle drawing
Tickets: 20 CHF, available online* and at the CPG.
9:00 p.m. Dinner and Auction in the Café des Bains
Registration required. Tickets: 80 CHF per person. Auctioneer: Katie Kennedy. With a dozen works by Swiss and international artists including: Sylvie Fleury, Carsten Höller, Alain Séchas, Olivier Mosset, Silvie Defraoui, Jeff Wall, Gianni Motti, Franck Scurti, Michel François, Fabrice Gygi...
9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. DJ and Bar at the CPG
You can participate in the auction on-line via the website:
PADDLE8.COM/AUCTIONS/PHOTOGRAPHIE-GENEVE. (On-line from November 11-26, 2014)

Canaries (6), 2009
60 x 85 cm
Ed. 24 + 6 AP, signée
© Carsten Höller
Tombola ... Raffle drawing
More than 100 participating artists / More than 130 artworks to win. Tombola tickets with more than a hundred of artworks to win.
Tombola tickets CHF 20., at
Georg Aerni | Yann Amstutz | Luc Andrié & Elisabeth Llach | Joerg Bader | Dorothée Baumann | Iain Baxter | Emmanuelle Bayart | Martin Behr | Mathieu Bernard-Reymond | Mabe Bethonico | Boutheyna Bouslama | Rebecca Bowring | Fernando Brito | Diego Castro | Kurt Caviezel | Magdalena Cenolli | Julien Chatelin | Teresa Chen | Line Chollet | Thomas Cullum | diezelle | Andrej Djerkovic | Philippe Durand | Harald Fernagu | collectif_fact | Serge Fruehauf | Matthieu Gafsou | David Gagnebin-de Bons | Jean-Yves Gargadennec | Catherine Gfeller | Régis Golay | Julien Gremaud | Christiane Grimm | Nadja Groux | Vincent-Emmanuel Guitter | Nicole Hassler | Lois Hechenblaikner | Edward Hillel & Isaac Diggs | Beat Huber | Interfoto | Angèle Laissue | Elisa Larvego | Miguel Leache | Jérôme Leuba | Sébastien Leseigneur | Catherine Leutenegger | Nicolas Lieber | Christian Lutz | Josep-Maria Martín | Angela Marzullo | Olivier Menanteau | Fred Merz | Anne Minazio | Gian Paolo Minelli | Francis Morandini | Charles Nègre | Gabriele et Helmut Nothhelfer | Uriel Orlow | Jorge Perez | Suzanne Perrin | Aurélie Pétrel | Marco Poloni | Frédéric Post | Cyril Porchet | Paul Pouvreau | Koka Ramishvili | Max Regenberg | Delphine Renault | Jean Revillard | Christophe Rey | Reynold Reynolds | Nicolas Righetti | Simon Rimaz | Maya Rochat | Thomas Rousset | Juliette Russbach | Pekka Ruuska | Diego Sanchez | Michael Schäfer | Joachim Schmid | Christian Schwager | Bruno Serralongue | Sean Snyder | Jules Spinatsch | Erik Steinbrecher | Vini (Nicolas Lieber & Virginie Otth) | Veit Stratmann | Clare Strand | Sabine Tholen | Peter Tillessen | Thierry Verbeke | Angel Vergara Santiago & Lucia Bru | Gilles Verneret | Nicolas Wagnières | Patrick Weidmann | Martin Widmer | Meir Wigoder | Serge Wolkonsky | Myriam Ziehli | Salomé Ziehli,...
Tombola drawing lots on Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 8pm. The price for one ticket is CHF 20. More than 130 artworks to win. 1 chance out of 6 to win. A copy of the Tombola numbered ticket will be sent via email and the original named voucher will be kept at the CPG. The lots can be collected from November 28th, 2014. Winners' list available on the website.
Rewards based on contribution include raffle drawing tickets, catalogues and other books published by the Centre de la photographie Genève.
CHF 20., CHF 50., ... CHF 550., ... CHF 4.000,-
The Center of photography Geneva (CPG) was founded in 1984. It is designed as a research laboratory of new ways to think and show Photography contextualized in all fields of contemporary society. Particular emphasis is placed on innovation. Every year, the CPG shows around 4 to 7 monographic or thematic exhibitions, including one outdoor exhibition, and edits around two photography books with its own editions «Centre de la photographie Genève», published by «Les Presses du réel». Since 2003, the CPG organizes the photography triennial «50JPG» (50 days for photography in Geneva).
Christophe Draeger «Gianni Motti Assitant», 2006. C-print 29.6 x 21cm, edition of 130
Marco Poloni, «Permutit Storyboard for a film», 2008. C-print, 59x42cm, edition of 20, signed and numbered
Patrick Weidmann, «Sans titre», 2012. C-print, 50 x 40cm, edition of 25, signed and numbered
Special edition of the 30 years CpG Portfolio edited in only 30 copies!
It contains 4 photo archive prints, 30x40cm in a package.

Shop Window, Brussels, no.2, 2009
Impression jet d’encre sur Hahnemühle
Bela édition
48.2 x 33 cm
Éd. 50 + 12 EA, signée et numérotée
Courtesy Centre de la photographie