Patrick Waterhouse »
Mikhael Subotzky & Patrick Waterhouse win Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2015

The Photographers' Gallery
16 - 18 Ramillies Street
W1F 7LW London
+44 (0)845-2621618
Tue-Sat 11-19
The publication Ponte City by Mikhael Subotzky and Patrick Waterhouse has won the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize for 2015. Published by Steidl in 2014, the publication is presented as a photographic book with booklets of commissioned essays and historical background to the 54-floor apartment block in Johannesburg. The Deutsche Börse Photography Prize description notes that Subotzky and Waterhouse “have created an intimate and deeply evocative social portrait of a culture, building and its community of residents through photographs, architectural plans, and other archival and historical material. An additional sequence of seventeen booklets containing essays and personal stories complete the visual and spatial narrative of this”.