Inka & Niclas »
photo basel 2015
Exhibition: 17 Jun – 20 Jun 2015
Grundemark Nilsson Gallery
Booth A12
4056 Basel
Grundemark Nilsson Gallery presenting a solo show by Inka and Niclas, two photo based artists who are working closely to a performance tradition. Temporary artistic activities and their photographic documentation have been in a similar relationship in the past: In the course of the Concept Art movement of the 1960s and 1970s, the photography medium acquired a new meaning when it was used to photographically document and hence permanently preserve artistic performances or happenings. Thanks to the photographic documentation of these artistic events, which were only intended for a particular moment, these art forms became accessible to the art market; however, the focus always remained on the activity itself, which was considered to be the actual work of art. The photography was solely perceived as documentation. By contrast, Inka & Niclas go one step further here: although they still use photography in its traditional function for the documentation of an artistic activity, at the same time photography itself is very consciously understood as the final work of art. This becomes apparent not just from the well thought-out colors and composition of the images, but also from the type of framing used, since the frames in The Belt of Venus and the Shadow of the Earth are no longer understood as a limitation of photography, but rather as a part of it. Photography deliberately becomes the artistic end product, the actual artistic object.
Inka Lindergård was born 1985 in Finland and Niclas Holmström was born 1984 in Sweden. They live and work together in Stockholm, Sweden since 2007. There first book Watching Humans Watching (Kehrer Verlag) won the Photobook of the Year Award in Sweden 2012.