Photographs and Photobooks
Livres de Photographies d'Exception et Photographies Anciennes et Modernes
Sun 15 Nov 14:00
Ader Nordmann
3, rue Favart
75002 Paris

3, rue Favart
75002 Paris

Frantisek Drtikol
Les nus de Drtikol. [1929].
Portfolio of 30 photogravures.
Photographs and Photobooks Auction
Sunday, November 15th 2015, 14.00 pm
Salle des ventes Favart
3, rue Favart
75002 Paris
Prestigious photobooks
Documentation on primitive photography.
Duchenne de Boulogne, Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine.
Germaine Krull, Der Akt.
Les nus de Drtikol.
Claude Cahun, Le cœur de pic.
Brassaï, Paris de nuit, Transmutations.
Man Ray, Facile.
Laure Albin Guillot, Micrographie Décorative, La Cantate du Narcisse.
Alexey Brodovitch, Ballet.
Joel-Peter Witkin, The Maxims of men disclose their hearts : The journal of Joel-Peter Witkin.
Old, modern and contemporary photographs
Beautiful set of daguerreotypes including a rare portrait by Daguerre.
Adrien Tournachon, Race chevaline, concours de 1860 : album of 41 salted paper prints.
Exceptional panorama of Beijing in salted paper prints (paper négatives), c. 1850-1860.
Raoul Ubac, Combat des Penthésilées, 1939.
Henri Cartier-Bresson, Hyeres, France, 1932.
Robert Capa, Israel.
Portraits of writers and artists by Gisèle Freund.
Fashion Photography by Horst, Erwin Blumenfeld, Frank Horvat, Jeanloup Sieff and others.
Beautiful set of photographs by Lucien Clergue.
Nude photographs. Contemporary photographs.
Specialist for photography and photobooks :
Antoine ROMAND - Assisted by François CAM-DROUHIN
3, rue Crespin du Gast 75011 Paris
Tél. : + 33 (0)6 07 14 40 49 - Email : aromand@gmail.com
Specialist for photobooks :
Bertrand HOSTI
24, rue Jeanne d’Arc 68800 Thann
Tél. : + 33 (0)6 30 84 55 16 - Email : bertrand.hosti@wanadoo.fr
In charge of the department for Ader : Camille DALIBARD-BACCINO - camille.dalibard@ader-paris.fr
Exhibition at Salle des ventes Favart
Ader Nordmann Auction House
3, rue Favart 75002 Paris
From Thursday, November 12th to Saturday, November 14th, 11.00 am to 18.00 pm
Sunday, November 15th, 11.00 am to 12.00
Phone during the exhibition and the sale : + 33 (0)1 53 40 77 10
Online catalogue : www.ader-paris.fr
Live bidding : www.drouotlive.com
ADER NORDMANN - Agrément 2002-448
3, rue Favart 75002 Paris
Tél. : + 33 (0) 1 53 40 77 10 - Fax : + 33 (0) 1 53 40 77 20
contact@ader-paris.fr - www.ader-paris.fr