Inkjet-Print on fine art paper, Ed. 1/4
28,5 x 36,7 cm / 11 1/4 x 14 1/2 in
© Sergio Vega
Sergio Vega »
When Clouds Enter the Forest & The Art of Motorcycle Manintenance
Exhibition: 10 Oct 2015 – 2 Jan 2016
Galerie Karsten Greve
5, rue Debelleyme
75003 Paris
Tue-Sat 10-19
Sergio Vega presents the latest of a series of excerpts from "Paradise in the New World", the ongoing project the artist started in the mid nineties in search for Antonio de Leon Pinelo's presumed site of the Garden of Eden in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil. The exhibit titled "When clouds came into the forest and the art of motorcycle maintenance" explores the contingencies of the photographic act and the resulting photographic image as processes grounded on specific philosophical approaches to the world. As indicated by its title, the exhibit makes reference to the popular philosophical fiction tale by Robert Pirsig "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance: an inquiry into values".