Bidirectional Self-Aboutness. Fotografía griega contemporánea
Contemporary Greek Photography
Dimitrios Georges Antonitsis » Christos Apostolakis » Lila Cambanis » Alexandros Georgiou » Panos Kokkinias » Dimitra Lazaridou » Lia Nalmpantidou » Theodoros Raftopoulos » Yoannis Theodoropoulos » Dimitris Tsoublekas »
Exhibition: 3 Feb – 11 Apr 2004
Canal de Isabel II
Santa Engracia, 125
28003 Madrid
+34 91-5451000
Tue-Sat 11-14, 17-20:30, Sun 11-14

In what way self-aboutness, which by nature refers to a personal adventure, can be bidirectional? The answer is to be given at Canal Isabel II, the old aqueduct of Madrid, where the Bidirectional Self-Aboutness. Contemporary Greek Photography exhibition is presented. There, the images by ten Greek artists speak for themselves. The event makes part of the "Hola Grecia!" cultural programme, which includes a series of exhibitions and art interventions that are organised by Cultural Olympiad and numerous Spanish organisations and it is presented on the occasion of the Greek participation in this year's ARCO, the international art meeting of Spain which this year honours Greece as guest country. The exhibition that is curated by Dr. Marilena Karra includes works by artists that have emerged dynamically over the recent years in the field of modern Greek art and all of them belong to the new generation of Greek photographers. They represent a wide spectrum, as far as the expression and the morphological characteristics of modern creativity in the field of Greek photography are concerned. ------------------------------- La muestra, comisariada por Marilena Karra, se ha realizado en colaboración con la Embajada de Grecia y con la Asociación Griega de Galerías de Arte, y ha sido posible gracias al apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura de Grecia y al patrocinio de la televisión pública griega ERT, patrocinadora oficial de la Olimpiada Cultural, de la que forma parte esta muestra. Marilena Karra presenta los últimos trabajos realizados por una selección de diez artistas procedentes del panorama creativo de la fotografía actual griega. Está compuesta por 76 fotografías que forman un conjunto de gran variedad y alta calidad. "Los artistas seleccionados han realizado un trabajo excepcionalmente interesante ya que pertenecen a una nueva generación de fotógrafos griegos que ofrecen las expresiones más innovadoras en la técnica fotográfica actual", según Karra.