Vincent Delbrouck »
New Paintings
Exhibition: 5 Feb – 13 Mar 2016

Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
Keizersgracht 609
1017 DS Amsterdam
+31 (0)20-5516500
Mon-Wed 10-18; Thu-Fri 10-21; Sat-Sun 10-18

Foam 3h: Vincent Delbrouck
New Paintings
5 February – 13 March 2016
Foam presents an exhibition with the work of the Belgian photographer Vincent Delbrouck (Brussels, 1975). New Paintings is a mediation on the beauty of bright colours, reflected by simple objects, plants and the human body, which Delbrouck encountered during his various travels. Inspired by painting, he aims to capture the flow of life through his photography, photobooks and installations.
Vincent Delbrouck integrates his personal, contextual and fictional perspectives to produce lasting impressions of the places he chooses to explore. Working with various media -using images, collages and texts-, he creates a flow of energy inside his books and installations. Over the last several years, Vincent has been searching for inner peace in the Himalayas, living there with his small family, walking in the nature and practicing photography as a way of meditation. He has already self-published two photobooks from that experience and is now working on the last part of his Himalayan trilogy.
New Paintings conveys the experience of contemplating beauty in nature, especially in the Himalayas. The pictures do not tell fixed stories, nor do they imply set meanings. Yet simultaneously the images seem somehow familiar, since they are composed of everyday elements. Delbrouck explores the medium of photography through imagination and mystery, connecting fragments of his personal life with print and collage. For him it is a way of painting: bringing together form and colour, he creates new, intuitive compositions. An important element is Delbrouck’s love for travel: he has re-visited many places, Cuba and Nepal in particular, where he entirely immerses himself in the landscape. The pieces of these experiences are brought together intuitively in his books and exhibitions.
During Unseen 2015, Vincent Delbrouck was selected by an international curatorial committee as the recipient of the Outset | Unseen Exhibition Fund 2015, which granted him the exhibition at Foam.
This exhibition is made possible with support of the Gieskes-Strijbis Fund and the Van Bijlevelt Foundation.