Anniversary Exhibition 2011-2016
Shadi Ghadirian » Francesco Jodice » Thomas Jorion » Yussuf Knauss » Andréas Lang » Ohad Matalon » Beatrice Minda » Agnese Purgatorio » Leandro Quintero » Won Seoung Won »
Exhibition: 20 Feb – 16 Apr 2016
Fri 19 Feb 19:00

Podbielski Contemporary
Via Vincenzo Monti 12
20123 Milano
+39 (0)33 -82 38 17 20
Tue-Fri 14-19 +

"Utopia" Anniversary Exhibition 2011-2016
Exhibition: 20 February – 16 April 2016
Opening: Friday, 19 February, 7 pm
In such dramatic times as those we are presently living, promoting and selling art is a gargantuan challenge. Some may say an Utopian undertaking. Yet, when Podbielski Contemporary opened in January 2011, our mission was clearly declared: "It may sound naive, but I think that for all its failings, the world of art and culture is still the only one where something like that can be done (...) The media can’t do it anymore; they’ve become a vulgar business like any other. The world of culture - museums and universities - is the last place where you are still free to dream of a better world (...)." Alfredo Jaar, Conversations in Chile 2005 Mistral, Santiago, ACTAR, Barcelona 2006, p. 80.
Today, five busy and demanding years down the road, our commitment is as firm as ever, fuelled by relentless in-depth thinking, research and the on-going debate with and creative stimulus of all the inspired artists we have the honor of supporting. To commemorate and enhance such an achievement (which demands a vision, consistency and artists that share and sustain our efforts), Podbielski Contemporary has selected works that best illustrate the theme of our show.
Utopia: Utopia, imaginary and ideal country in Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More, from Greek ou not, no + topos place.
Synonyms: Eden, Heaven, New Jerusalem, Nirvana, Promised Land, Shangri-la, Paradise

The artists on display are: Shadi Ghadirian narrates in her projects the unfulfilled dream for Iranian women to regain their status. Francesco Jodice captures the biblical landscape of Palestine in contraposition to new illegal Israeli settlements. Thomas Jorion's images are evocative of long lost memories of buildings that have been made redundant. Yussof Knauss reveals the magic of Buddhist Myanmar landscapes and its contemplative everlasting source of inspiration. Andréas Lang's Jungle enhances the magic of boundless, threatening nature as it once was perceived. Ohad Matalon gives us an explicit reading of Israel's dream come true. Beatrice Minda narrates an Iran (once Persia) that seems to have vanished from our imagination.
Agnese Purgatorio's "Della Clandestinita" metaphorically addresses the first wave of desperate immigrants from Albania to Puglia in the 90ties. Leandro Quintero's witty street photography challenges us to see and reconsider the ironic environment that surrounds us.
Heiko Räpple brings us back to the heroic days of sculpture, its intrinsic creative challenge, using basic traditional materials. Dubravka Vidović makes us aware of the universal scarcity and preciousness of water with staged images taken in India. WON Seoung Won's images are simply idyllic, reminiscent of a visionary world.