Should Birds Attack
Exhibition: 18 May – 23 May 2016
Wed 18 May 18:00 - 21:00
Kominek Gallery
Immanuelkirchstr. 25
10405 Berlin
Mon-Fri 13-18

Hartford Art School | University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
CT 06117 Hartford

"Should Birds Attack"
Exhibition: 18 – 23 May, 2016
Opening Reception: 18 May, 6-9pm
The International Limited-Residency MFA in Photography program at the Hartford Art School - University of Hartford, in collaboration with Berlin’s Kominek Gallery will host Should Birds Attack, an exhibition opening this May 18, 2016. The exhibition was curated by Robert Lyons and features work by first year students in the program.
"Should Birds Attack" is an exhibition of photography inspired by the Haruki Murakami essay "Samsa in Love". Contributing artists Zach Callahan, Matthew Genitempo, Seth Johnson, Kevin Kunstadt and Tamara Reynolds are students in Hartford Art School’s Limited- Residency MFA Photography Program. Curated by Program Director Robert Lyons, the exhibit of 29 photographs channels the surreal and dystopian aura of Murakami’s work.
The Hartford Art School, University of Hartford is proud to deliver the first International Limited-Residency Master of Fine Arts program in Photography. This program is designed for both mature individuals with established experience in the field as well as recent graduates who wish to further their own practice and acquire an MFA degree in order to facilitate their professional credentials as artists and educators.
More: www.hartfordphotomfa.org

Faculty and Guest Lecturers Include: Robert Lyons – Director, Dr. Jörg Colberg, Michael Vahrenwald, Alec Soth, Thomas Weski, Michael Schäfer, Mary Frey, Doug Dubois, Alice Rose George, Hiroh Kikai, Misha Kominek, Mark Steinmetz, Ute Mahler, Wiebke Loeper, Gerry Johansson.