Humanism and Subjectivity in the Spanish Photography of the Fifties and Sixties. The Case of Afal
Official section PHotoEspaña 2016
José María Artero García » Leonardo Cantero » Joan Colom » Gabriel Cualladó » Francisco Gómez » Gonzalo Juanes » Ramón Masats » Oriol Maspons » Xavier Miserachs » Francisco Ontañón » Carlos Pérez Siquier » Alberto Schommer » Ricard Terré »
Exhibition: 30 May – 7 Nov 2016

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia (MNCARS)
Santa Isabel, 52
28012 Madrid
+34 91-4675062
Mon, Wed-Sat 10-21 . Sun 10-19
An exhibition featuring the work of the collective Afal, a group of photographers whose work was inspired by neorealist documentaries and humanist journalism
A comprehensive testimonial, from the museum’s own archives, offering a vision of Spanish photography in the 50s, with work by artists such as Ramón Masats, Francisco Gómez, Leonardo Cantero and Oriol Maspons.
In the early nineteen fifties, in Spain there began to be the development of a photography inspired by the international tendencies of neo-realist documentary and humanist
reportage. Of particular note within this area was the rich activity carried out by the Afal group, a photography collective set up around the magazine of the same name, directed by José María Artero and Carlos Pérez Siquier between 1956 and 1963.
Thanks to the extending of the holdings of Museo Reina Sofía to include the presence of the protagonists of this generation and to the recent donation made by Pérez Siquier, this showing is presenting a selection that deeply explores the Afal group and deals with the internationalization of the photographers of that period, analyzing their several different interchanges with other collectives.
On the other hand, and due to a donation from his heirs, the figure of Leonardo Cantero is highlighted, along with his participation in the exhibition Eleven Spanish Photographers in Paris (1962).