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China: grain to pixel
A Girl in the Hair Salon, 2006 © Han Lei

China: grain to pixel

A Story of Photography in China

Adou » Felice Beato » Birdhead (Ji Weiyu and Song Tao) » HAI Bo » Song Chao » LUO Dan » XING Danwen » ZHUANG Hui » Li Jiahao » JIANG Jian » Geng Jianyi » DI Jinjun » WANG Jinsong » HONG Lei » HAN Lei » Maleonn (Ma Liang) » CHEN Man » Muge » WANG Ningde » JIANG Pengyi » Wang Qingsong » RONG Rong » CHEN Wei » ZHANG Wei » PENG Xiangjie » Zhang Xiao » HUANG Xiaoliang » KAN Xuan » FENG Yan » SUN Yanchu » YANG Yongliang » LU Yuanmin » LIU Zheng » LI Zhensheng » JIANG Zhi » XIAO Zhuang » & others

Exhibition: 5 Jun – 28 Aug 2016

Monash Gallery of Art

860 Ferntree Gully Road . Wheelers Hill
VIC 3150 Melbourne
Tue-Fri 10-17 . Sat, Sun 12-17

Museum of Australian Photography

860 Ferntree Gully Road . Wheelers Hill
VIC 3150 Melbourne

+61 (0)3-8544 0500


Tue-Fri 10-17 . Sat, Sun 12-17

China: grain to pixel
'Follow You' 2013, © Wang Qingsong

MGA is the exclusive Australian venue for this major exhibition of Chinese photography. Developed by the Shanghai Centre of Photography (SCôP), the exhibition offers an intriguing insight into the role that photography has played in the evolution of Chinese culture over the past 150 years, from early ethnographic photography and communist propaganda through to the internationally acclaimed work of contemporary Chinese artists. Following its launch at MGA, China: grain to pixel will continue on a global tour that includes venues in Belgium and Russia.

China: grain to pixel
Miss Wan Studies Hard, 2011© CHEN Man