Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie en Gaspésie 2016
Benoit Aquin » Serge Clément » Isabelle Hayeur » Claudia Imbert » Eadweard J. Muybridge » Hanne van der Woude » & others
Festival: 15 Jul – 15 Sep 2016
Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie en Gaspésie
120, 4e Rang Ouest, New Richmond
G0C 2B0 Québec
Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie en Gaspésie
120, 4e Rang Ouest, New Richmond
G0C 2B0 Québec
+1-418 392-6648
The installations and exhibitions will be held from mid-July to late September in 17 municipalities or national parks: Cap-Chat, Gaspésie National park, Marsoui, Petite-Vallée, Gaspé, Forillon National Park, Bonaventure Island and Percé Rock National Park (Percé), Chandler, Paspébiac, Bonaventure, Caplan, New Richmond, Maria, Carleton-sur-Mer, Nouvelle–Escuminac, Miguasha and Matapedia.
At the heart of the event, from August 18 to 21, the Photographer Tour will take place, and some 30 photographers will be on hand for public get-togethers on the subject of creation in the form of projections for the general public, lecture-discussions and a roundtable. The official opening will take place at Quai des arts in Carleton-sur-Mer on Friday, August 19 in the evening.