Han Sungpil »
Exhibition: 23 Jul – 13 Aug 2016
MOPS - The Museum of Photography Seoul
14, Wiryeseong-daero, Songpa-gu
138-724 Seoul
Mon-Fri 10-19, Thu, 10-21, Sat 11-18:30, Sun closed
Museum Hanmi
14, Wiryeseong-daero, Songpa-gu
138-724 Seoul

HAN Sungpil
2016 Young Artist Exhibition
Exhibition: 23 July – 13 August, 2016
As a strong supporter of Korean photography's next generation, starting from early 2015 The Museum of Photography, Seoul has openly received and reviewed portfolios by Korea photographers in their 30~40s. Works of talented artists were chosen and presented by group and solo exhibitions annually. This year, following the group of artists who react with a keen sense to urban landscape which surrounds them, the project continues with HAN Sungpil’s solo exhibition: Fantasmagoría.
The Image selection for this exhibition was conducted under the theme of this year’s young Korean photographers project: "city". The exhibition mainly talks about urban rupture we’ve repeatedly encountered with in a great or small scale in the contemporary society. A series of representative works that unveil site specificity of Seoul and simultaneously covey the subject of city development from Façade and Memories and Traces were selected.

HAN’s photographs candidly expose elements that are inevitably related to modern city, symbolized by "Façade" like "urban duplicity that’s often compared to Janus the two-faced god" and "urban surrealism which we can call it as phantasmagoria". HAN does not shoot the surfaces of a city or show interest in how it looks. He notices the quality contained within.
Like "Façade" that candidly points out the nature of city, the exhibits visualize the phenomenon of contemporary society, where private memories and traces unconsciously disappear and are redesigned with nobody’s purpose. It would be an exciting and thrilling experience as if one’s viewing the tide in the drama that the artist averts his eyes to the rear side of the city for this time while he’s been merely captured façade of buildings that implies out look of the city.