Christophe Gin »
Carmignac photojournalism Award
Exhibition: 3 Jul – 6 Nov 2016

Christophe Gin – Carmignac photojournalism Award
July 3 – November 6, 2016
Fondation Carmignac X Collection Lambert
5 rue Violette
84000 Avignon, France
Fondation Carmignac
24 place Vendôme
75001 Paris, France
Fondation Carmignac and Collection Lambert are delighted to announce the exhibition of Christophe Gin, 6th laureate of the Carmignac photojournalism Award, at the Montfaucon Hotel, Avignon.
Fondation Carmignac launched the Carmignac photojournalism Award in 2009 with the purpose to support a photographer to question areas of the world at the centre of geostrategic conflicts, where human rights and freedom of speech are often violated, by offering 50,000€ to complete his/her project, financing a monograph and curating a touring exhibition.
For its 6th edition, the photographer Christophe Gin was awarded the prestigious grant for his report into France’s lawless areas, specifically Guyana.
Christophe Gin, a French photographer born in 1965, offers his viewer a complete immersion into the heart of a territory that usually remains outside the media spotlight – Guyana. He has been exploring Guyana since 2001, and reveals to us the complex human, legal, political and socioeconomic issues at its center, far from the regulations and norms of the metropolis.
Gin’s singular, almost pictorial black and white photography gives a certain distance to his images, allowing us to view Gin’s subjects from a perspective free from popular misconceptions. From the luxurious and seemingly infinite jungle of the Guyanese landscape, Gin’s subjects thus appear to us like representatives of a distant world, far from the realities of mainland France.

This exhibition is hosted in partnership with the Lambert Collection in order to join personal approaches to allow the public to discover new artistic proposals. This exhibition precedes the opening of Fondation Carmignac’s museum dedicated to modern and contemporary art in summer 2017, on the Island of Porquerolles (Var).
The Collection Lambert opens its gates for 5 new exhibitions:
ADEL ABDESSEMED - Coup de tête, 2012
REMINDER! Call for applications 8th Edition Carmignac photojournalism Award
Theme : Slavery and the trafficking of women
Deadline : Sunday 16th October 2016 at midnight (GMT)
Apply : bit.ly/CarmignacPhotojournalismAward
Emeric Glayse, Director of the Carmignac photojournalism Award : eglayse@carmignac.com
Valentine Dolla, Communication Manager : vdolla@carmignac.com
Twitter twitter.com/PrixCarmignac