Elisabeth Sunday »
Exhibition: 2 Sep – 27 Oct 2016
Thu 1 Sep 19:00

Elisabeth Sunday
Exhibition: 2 September ‐ 27 October 2016
Opening: Thursday, 1 September, 7pm
Under the title "Grace" gallery Hiltawsky presents the first German solo exhibition of American artist Elisabeth Sunday (*1959).
The exhibition presents over 30 artworks from the series "The Tuareg Portfolios", "Omo Valley Tribes", "Anima – Animus" and "Akan Fisherman" produced between 2005 and 2011.
Additionally there are several early works from 1987 and 1988.
Elisabeth Sunday traveled extensively throughout Africa and the photographs in the show were taken in Ethiopia, Mali, Ghana and Kenya.
Sunday uses medium and large format cameras and only works in an analog way. She calls her working style 'mirror photography': "Mirror photography is much more than photographing a reflection; it produces a visual alchemy that combines the physical world with that of the great mystery. Photographing with mirrors allows me to see the world in a different light and capture some element that remains hidden in straight photography. The use of elongation in indigenous and Western art has long been an archetype for the unconscious. Following in this tradition, I use my mirror to shine into the internal deep spaces where we universally connect to something greater." (Elisabeth Sunday, 2011)
In the center of the exhibition is a group of platinum prints in an unusual size of 25" x 30", which were produced in New York by an expert in that technique. The artist printed the silver-gelatin photographs.
Elisabeth Sunday’s work has been widely exhibited in the United States and Europe and is held in countless museum collections including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Houston Art Museum, The Cleveland Museum of Art and the Corcoran. Nazraeli Press published her first monograph "Grace" in 2012.

Elisabeth Sunday
Ausstellung: 2. September bis 27. Oktober 2016
Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 1. September, 19 Uhr
Die galerie hiltawsky zeigt unter dem Titel "Grace" die erste Einzelausstellung der amerikanischen Künstlerin Elisabeth Sunday (*1959) in Deutschland.
In der Ausstellung werden über 30 Arbeiten aus den Serien "The Tuareg Portfolios", "Omo Valley Tribes", "Anima – Animus" und "Akan Fisherman" aus den Jahren 2005 – 2011 gezeigt. Diese Serien werden ergänzt durch einige sehr frühe Werke aus den Jahren 1987 und 1988.
Sunday hat für ihre Projekte ausführliche Reisen nach Afrika unternommen, die Fotografien entstanden in Äthiopien, Mali, Ghana und Kenia. Sunday verwendet Mittel– und Großformat Kameras und arbeitet ausschließlich analog. Sie nennt ihre Arbeitsweise "Mirror Photography": "Mirror photography is much more than photographing a reflection; it produces a visual alchemy that combines the physical world with that of the great mystery. Photographing with mirrors allows me to see the world in a different light and capture some element that remains hidden in straight photography. The use of elongation in indigenous and Western art has long been an archetype for the unconscious. Following in this tradition, I use my mirror to shine into the internal deep spaces where we universally connect to something greater." (E.S., 2011)
Der Kern der Ausstellung ist eine Gruppe aus allen Projekten, die in ungewöhnlicher Größe als Platinum Prints (ca. 63 cm x 76 cm) gezeigt werden. Die Silber Gelatine Prints stellt Elisabeth Sunday selbst her, die Platinum Prints werden in New York von einem Experten dieser Technik hergestellt. Sundays Fotografien wurden in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Paris, Arles, Brescia, Helsinki in Einzelausstellungen gezeigt. Ihre Arbeiten befinden sich in zahlreichen Sammlungen u.A. The Cleveland Clinic, The Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington DC; The University Art Museum at Berkeley, CA; The Cantor Art Center at Stanford University CA; The Los Angeles Museum of Art, CA; The Museum of Fine Art-Houston, TX; Le Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris, France; The San Francisco Museum of Art, CA; The Santa Barbara Museum of Art, CA; The Schomburg Center, NY; The Saint Louis Museum of Art, MI; The Polaroid Collection, MA; The Fotografiska Museum, Finland; The Eastman Kodak Collection, NY; The Bank of America Collection; The FRAC Foundation, Lyons, France; The San Francisco Civic Arts Collection, CA; The De Rossa Museum, Napa, CA; The Oakland Museum of Art, Oakland, CA; The Cleveland Art Museum, OH; Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA; The Albuquerque Art Museum, NM; Museo Ken Damy, Brescia, Italy; The California African American Museum, Los Angeles, CA, The Virginia Fine Art Museum
Bei Nazraeli Press erschien 2012 das großformatige Buch "Grace", signierte Exemplare sind in der Galerie erhältlich.