Dina Goldstein »
Exhibition: 9 Sep 2016 – 22 Jan 2017
Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum
One East Main St
AZ 85201 Mesa
Tue-Sat 10-17, Thu -20, Sun 12-17
Born in Israel, Dina Goldstein is a photographer and Pop Surrealist artist living in Vancouver, Canada. She gained international acclaim for her metaphorical and ironical photographs that comment on taboo social subjects. Disillusioned features select pieces from Goldstein’s two most prominent series: Fallen Princesses and Gods of Suburbia. The Fallen Princesses series challenges the “happily ever after” fallacy often perpetuated by childhood fairytales, revealing the pragmatic realities of life. Gods of Suburbia, her most recent series, analyzes religious faith within the modern context of technology, science and secularism.