from the series "Untitled", 2014
© Jessica Dimmock
Olivia Arthur » Lurdes R. Basolí » Kathryn Cook » Jessica Dimmock » Claudia Guadarrama » Claire Martin » Inge Morath » Emily Schiffer » Ami Vitale »
Exhibition: 25 Feb – 28 May 2017
Fri 24 Feb 19:00

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)
+49 (0)69-291726
Tue-Sun 11-18

Austria. Near Vienna. 1958
© Inge Morath
Olivia Arthur, Lurdes R. Basolí, Kathryn Cook, Jessica Dimmock, Claudia Guadarrama, Claire Martin, Emily Schiffer, Ami Vitale and Inge Morath
Exhibition: 25 February – 28 May, 2017
Opening: Friday, 24 February, 7 pm
Nine women, eight countries, one river: The Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents "DANUBE REVISITED. THE INGE MORATH TRUCK PROJECT", a photographic road trip through Europe. At the same time it celebrates the role of women in contemporary documentary photography. This exhibition produced by Fundación Telefónica, shows over 100 works from the international photographers Olivia Arthur (GB), Lurdes R. Basolí (E), Kathryn Cook (USA/CH), Jessica Dimmock (USA), Claudia Guadarrama (MEX), Claire Martin (AUS), Emily Schiffer (USA) and Ami Vitale (USA). All of these are winners of the Inge Morath Award, a prize annually awarded by the Magnum Foundation and the Inge Morath Foundation for promising young female photographers. Additionally, original photographs from Inge Morath (1923–2002) are shown, on loan from Fotohof Salzburg. This Austrian born photographer is seen as a pioneer of photo journalism. In 1951, she began her career as a photographer, from 1953 to 1954 she worked as an assistant to Henri Cartier-Bresson and in 1955 she was the first woman to become a member of Magnum Photos. She traveled throughout the world to numerous countries for her photo documentaries, books and assignments – and always again on the Danube. In 1958, she undertook her first photographic expedition along the river that was complicated due to conditions of the Iron Curtain. Also later, long after she had been living in the USA with her husband, the US writer Arthur Miller, she was drawn again and again photographically to "her" Danube. In the beginning of the 1990s, there emerged during various trips at the invitation of the gallery Fotohof Salzburg, unique photographs of the river and life along its shores; also in the former Eastern bloc countries. During all this time, Morath was motivated by the question: "How many ways can one photograph water and what can such pictures convey?" Her answer: "A river is more than water; a river has a history written on its banks by generations of people who, in effect, have left us their stories there." Decades later, the eight young awarded photographers whose works are now presented in Frankfurt followed Morath’s longings for such river stories. Their plan: a trip together as an hommage to Inge Morath – the great trailblazer – to revisit the Danube, and to make new photo-stories. After thousands of emails, hours of online conversations and a crowd funding campaign, "DANUBE REVISITED. THE INGE MORATH TRUCK PROJECT" came into existence. The four co-founders of the project were Olivia Arthur, Lurdes R. Basolí, Claire Martin and Emily Schiffer. In summer 2014, the journey began – from the Danube source in the Black Forest to its outlet into the Black Sea. 34 days long, 2800 kilometers, 19 cities. En route the photographers documented the people, nature and life along the river in diverse picture languages: documentary, conceptual, interactive and abstract. Photographs that form a richly faceted image of the Danube cultural region. On every stop along their way the photographic artists presented Inge Morath’s Danube photographs – with a truck converted into a gallery. Like a flagship of the journey, people were invited into the truck to see Morath's Danube images in the places where they were once taken. In 2016, Celina Lunsford, Artistic Director of Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, curated the photographic works of this Danube journey into an exhibition for Fundación Telefónica Madrid. Now the Danube meets the Main. In addition to the exhibited photographs, the film "Diary of a Journey: a tribute to Inge Morath" will be shown in Frankfurt, presenting images of the journey and interviews with the protagonists. "DANUBE REVISITED. THE INGE MORATH TRUCK PROJECT is a tribute to the icons of documentary photography made by women" explains curator Celina Lunsford at the opening in Frankfurt. "Inge Morath paved the way for many female photo journalists in an area that up to that time was predominantly male." At the same time, the exhibition chronicles completely different visual languages on the passage of time and on that which remains throughout time – on the Danube, in the photography and in the work as a photographer. "The photographers of DANUBE REVISITED belong to the first generation of digital natives" says Celina Lunsford. "Without the obvious use of the internet and various digital communication channels, this project would not have been possible."