Lucas Blalock »
Making Memeries
Exhibition: 30 Sep – 30 Oct 2016

C/O Berlin
Hardenbergstr. 22-24
10623 Berlin
+49 (0)30-28444160
Daily 11-20
Today a photo has a different claim to time, being much more in the “now” than in the “this has been” of our pre-internet forebearers. We live in a culture of the perpetual present, in a meme-driven world where photos can effortless be shared, but where they most often disappear into digital oblivion. Lucas Blalock’s installation reflects the worldly and the virtual cohabiting underneath a photograph’s surface. In collaboration with the augmented reality studio REIFY, he has created an exceptional experience that blurs traditional boundaries and challenges one’s expectations of viewership. Designed by Italian studio Tankboys the “flats” of the installation display a new suite of photographs by Lucas Blalock. These can be activated via an app that visitors can download on their mobile phones. The audience will be able to immerse themselves in and interact with Lucas Blalock’s images through this app.
To interact with the display, download the “Making Memeries” app from the iOS and Google Play Store.