Chema Madoz »
The Modern Surrealist
Exhibition: 8 Apr – 6 May 2017
Fri 7 Apr 18:00 - 21:00

Chema Madoz
The Modern Surrealist
Exhibition: April 8 - May 6, 2017
Opening reception: Friday, April 7, 6-9pm
Madoz (Spain, 1958) is a photographer first and foremost, but he can also be called a sculptor. Since the early 1990's, he has been pointing his medium format Hasselblad camera at litte structures he creates himself. The work of Madoz, who studied art history as well as photography, is like a modern an pure version of Surrealism. Not unlike Man Ray a century before, he playfully alters and combines everyday objects to create something completely new. He makes the viewer question what they see in terms of scale, material and meaning. His photographs are visual jokes that are confusing and deceptively simple; you can almost, but not quite, come across the scenes yourself. Even more so, every one of his black and white photographs is an accomplished image in which he achieves a simplicity rarely seen in photography.

Madoz lives and works in Madrid, Spain. His work has been exhibited at numerous international institutions, uncluding the Nederlands Fotomuseum Rotterdam, Houston Photofest, Santiago Museum of Contemporary Art and the Danish National Museum of Photography.
An exhibition in collaboration with Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris.