Foam Fusion
festival of surprising encounters and collaborations
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin » Raphaël Dallaporta » Omar Imam » Dana Lixenberg » Maurice Scheltens & Liesbeth Abbenes » Richard Mosse » Matthias Oostrik » Stéphanie Solinas » Christian Vium »
Festival: 9 Jun – 11 Jun 2017
Fri 9 Jun 17:00

Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
Keizersgracht 609
1017 DS Amsterdam
+31 (0)20-5516500
Mon-Wed 10-18; Thu-Fri 10-21; Sat-Sun 10-18

On the weekend of 9-10-11 June, Foam is hosting a cross-disciplinary festival around the theme of collaboration. The museum's galleries will be jam-packed with unexpected exchanges between diverse practitioners and artists.
To celebrate our 15th anniversary, Foam is organising a broad range of activities throughout 2017 united by the theme of collaboration, under the title Collaborate!. Foam Fusion is one of the focal points of this year dedicated to venturing into new territories, exploring beyond the limits of photography and developing ties across different disciplines.
The festival's programme, fueled by the fusion of these diverse perspectives, consists of surprising presentations and performances, a variety of round table discussions, artist talks and workshops. The participants, ranging from cultural institutions and collectives, to individual artists and researchers, like Foam, place great value on collaboration and its evolving role within their respective fields.
Each day of Foam Fusion kicks off with a breakfast session and ends with Music & Cocktails. Highlights include: on Friday a performance by the dance collective ISH in collaboration with artist Matthias Oostrik; on Saturday a key-note speech by Richard Mosse (The Enclave, Incoming); on Sunday an anonymous art auction hosted by the collective Dead Darlings. Throughout the weekend workshops are held by Lele Saveri (founder 8Ball Community) in the exhibition Collectivism. Collectives and their quest for value.
- Patty Morgan Internet Café - artist cubicles hosted by the Dutch online platform Patty Morgan
- Interactive installation plplpl.pl, anti-surveillance machine by Matthias Oostrik X BeamLab
- Students of the Rietveld Academy reflect on collaboration
- Raphaël Dallaporta's cross-disciplinary projects
Please note: complete programme coming soon.
Friday 9 June 17.00 – 21.00 hrs.
Saturday 10 June 10.00 – 20.00 hrs.
Sunday 11 June 10.00 – 19.00 hrs