Erik Johansson »
Bending Reality
Part of Malmö Fotobiennal 2017.
Exhibition: 17 Jun – 8 Oct 2017
Fri 16 Jun 18:00

Erik Johansson’s photographic illusions of reality are captivating, poignant and challenge the eye. His images are a surreal rendering of everyday and familiar scenes that are enhanced with breath-taking optical illusions.
By tactfully arranging different shapes in the images, what we first perceive as a familiar and logical is, upon closer inspection, a play on our expectations.
Erik Johansson uses the camera as both the instrument and the method for realising his ideas, rather than simply capturing a moment, which is more often the case in traditional photography. The final image is created through a painstaking process that often consists of the combining hundreds of photographs into one.
In a relatively short time, Erik Johansson has garnered great international acclaim as a surrealist image maker, photographer and retoucher. The exhibition at Dunkers is one of the most extensive thus far and will be presenting images that have never been seen before.