Donald Weber »
All About Clarity: Finding a Vision and a Way Forward in Photography - Workshop 16-17 July
Cortona On The Move - Summer School, The partnership with CANON
Fri 7 Jul
Donald Weber
All About Clarity: Finding a Vision and a Way Forward in Photography
16th - 17th July, 2017
Registration deadline: 7 July 2017
There is still time to enroll for the first appointments at COTM Summer School. Professional photographers are invited to take part in separate meetings with the top photographer - Donald Weber.
Donald Weber will lead the workshop All About Clarity: Finding a Vision and a Way Forward in Photography which helps photographers to see further afield and enables them to define their own vision. As it is vital to find the essence of the project, over two days, Weber will help participants sharpen their vision, and come to terms with their work; who they are as creators, and what their work-in-progress is. Photographers will learn tips and technique to define their vision and get to the heart of the matter. With this knowledge, participants will be able to produce a project proposal and statement, enabling them to apply for grants, prizes, funding, or as pitches for commissions or simply to feel confident and secure in where you need, and want, to go. To tell a good story, we need to know what we want to say in the first place.
Prior to photography, Donald Weber (1973, Toronto, Canada) originally trained as an architect. Weber is the author of four photography books. Interrogations, about post-Soviet authority in Ukraine and Russia, has gone on to much acclaim; it was selected to be included in Martin Parr and Gerry Badger’s seminal ‘The Photobook: A History, Volume III.’ He is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Lange-Taylor Prize, the Duke and Duchess of York Prize, two World Press Photo Awards and shortlisted for the Scotiabank Photography Prize. Currently Weber is working on his next book, War Sand, about historic sacrifice, and the meaning of war in our modern world.
Date: 16 July - 17 July 2017
Time: 9.30 am-1 pm / 3pm-6pm
Price: 249€
Registration deadline: 7 July 2017
10% discount: FIAF members, students, Canon newsletter subscribers, IED students, Eizo clients, students of photography schools, Visura members
15% discount: if you acquire more than 3 workshops
Number of participants: Min. 8/ Max. 12 people. The workshop is addressed to professional photographers
Language: English / The presence of a translator is not provided.
What you need: a laptop, your project (digital or printed)
Where: Fortezza del Girifalco, Cortona
Registration and further information: summerschoolcotm@gmail.com