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Politik und Kunst - Kunst und Politik - Künstler und ihre Werke im Reichstagsgebäude
Georg Baselitz

Jens Liebchen »

Politik und Kunst - Kunst und Politik - Künstler und ihre Werke im Reichstagsgebäude

Exhibition: 27 May – 31 Jul 2004

Galerie J.J. Heckenhauer

Brunnenstr. 153
10115 Berlin

J. J. Heckenhauer OHG - Antiquariat & Verlag

Holzmarkt 5
72070 Tübingen



Politik und Kunst - Kunst und Politik - Künstler und ihre Werke im Reichstagsgebäude
Christian Boltanski

_____ Art in the German Bundestag Two Exhibitions and one book release with photographs by Jens Liebchen In the mid 90ties the Art Council of the German Bundestag invited a number of German and international artists to participate in an architecture concept regarding the artistic interior design of the Reichstag Building, as well as the adjoining buildings of parliament. The photographer Jens Liebchen accompanied this process from the beginning and portrayed the artists in front of their artworks. His black and white photographs will be published on May 26. in an illustrated book titled “Politics and Art – Art and Politics. Artists and their Artwork in the Reichstag Building.” The book contains portraits of 15 contemporary artists; among them are Georg Baselitz, Christian Boltanski, Jenny Holzer, Katharina Severding and Gerhard Richter. The photographs will be exhibited at the J.J Heckenhauer Gallery in Berlin (May 27.-July 10. 2004). Simultaneous further photographs of Jens Liebchen series, among these also portraits in colour, are shown in the new show-rooms of the Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-House (exhibition by appointment only on three weekends in May/June; subject to change). The photographer Jens Liebchen from Berlin documented how the artists met the dialog with politics on one side and the dialog with architecture on the other side with and in their work. Liebchen was there when the artists first saw their artworks arrive at their place of origin in the parliamentary buildings. A moment of letting go and first impression. The photographs which aroused from these moments are an art project of their own – and a reflection on politics and art formed and captured by photography. The exceptional book with photographs, which also are part of the collection of the German Bundestag is published on order of the German Bundestag and by Andreas Kaernbach and Roger Sonnewald in the Edition J.J. Heckenhauer, Berlin. The program of architectural art documented by Jens Liebchen will be completed with the opening of the Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus. Like the Paul-Löbe-Haus, this building of parliament was build by the architect Stephan Braunsfels. Jens Liebchen: Politics and Art – Art and Politics. Artists and their Artwork in the Reichstag Building 37 photographs on triple folding plates in duotone and 40 pages text, cloth bound Introduction by Wolfgang Thierse, texts by Andreas Kaernbach and Boris Groys (German/ English) Published on order of the German Bundestag and by Andreas Kaernbach and Roger Sonnewald Edition J.J. Heckenhauer, Berlin/Tübingen 2004 ISBN 3-9806079-9-2 Price: 68,- EUR _____ International renommierte Künstler wurden vom Deutschen Bundestag eingeladen für das Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin Kunstwerke zu schaffen. Der Berliner Fotograf Jens Liebchen (*1970) begleitete die Künstler bei der Installation ihrer Arbeiten und schuf beeindruckende Fotografien von internationalen Stars der Kunstszene, wie Gerhard Richter, Sigmar Polke, Jenny Holzer oder Georg Baselitz. Diese Bilder werden nun erstmals umfassend in dem Band "Politik und Kunst - Kunst und Politik" publiziert, mit einer Einführung von Wolfgang Thierse sowie Texten von Boris Groys und Andreas Kaernbach. Das Buch wird zur Bundesversammlung am 23. Mai 2004 erscheinen. Anschließend ist es auch im Buchhandel erhältlich. ISBN 3-9806079-9-2.

Politik und Kunst - Kunst und Politik - Künstler und ihre Werke im Reichstagsgebäude
Gotthard Graubner
Politik und Kunst - Kunst und Politik - Künstler und ihre Werke im Reichstagsgebäude
Günther Uecker