Print size: 100 x 110 cm / framed, Edition of 5 + 1 AP
© Philippe Braquenier, Courtesy THE RAVESTIJN GALLERY, Amsterdam
Philippe Braquenier »
Exhibition: 10 Oct 2017 – 7 Jan 2018
noun pa-limp-sest pa-l m(p)- sest, p - lim(p)-
: a very old document on which the original writing has been effaced and replaced with newer writing
: something that has changed over time and shows evidence of that change
Le dénominateur commun entre les rangées de serveur du data center de Wikileaks, les meubles fichiers du Mundaneum, la grande Librairie nationale de Stockholm ou encore le Monastère de Montserrat...
'The Magnificent Refuges That Hide Humanity's Information'