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London Art Fair 2018

London Art Fair 2018


(play)ground-less » Larry Achiampong » Emily Allchurch » Niloufar Banisadr » David Birkin » Bill Brandt » Ellie Davies » Nilbar Güreş » Aisha Abid Hussain » Sandra Kantanen » Iwajla Klinke » Liane Lang » Karine Laval » Qiana Mestrich » Antoine Schneck » Santeri Tuori » James Tylor » Awoiska van der Molen » Bettina von Zwehl »

Fair: 17 Jan – 21 Jan 2018

Tue 16 Jan

London Art Fair

Business Design Centre- 52 Upper Street
N1 0QH London

+44 020 -7288 6475


London Art Fair’s 2018 curator for Photo50 is the Hemera Collective; a curatorial and collaboration led group specialising in photography and lens-based media, producing exhibitions and participatory programmes that draw from multiple disciplines with the aim to encourage new perspectives and facilitate debate.

This year’s edition of Photo50, titled Resolution is not the point., is curated by Hemera Collective, the first collective to curate London Art Fair’s annual exhibition of photography. The exhibition reflects the concerns with which Hemera operates, as a collaborative and evolving entity with different areas of expertise, who come together through a shared inquiry of photography and lens-based media. The exhibition title also alludes to an approach to exhibition making as one that is not defined by a singular frame or iteration, but networked – shifting focus and endeavouring to change ways of seeing and thinking. Resolution is not the point. considers photographic practices and images as a catalyst for interdisciplinary exchange and collective action. Photography, since the 19th century, has existed in and between traditionally defined boundaries of practice, from its use as a scientific apparatus to art – and back again, and it is this shifting landscape of contexts and definitions that the exhibition brings to the fore. The works are linked by this desire to draw upon the metamorphic nature of the photographic image. As practitioners continue to push the conceptual and technical boundaries of the many forms of photography and image-making; they are drawn to other specialisms and ways of working in order to communicate personal, social, and political ideas. From collaboratively produced research projects to artists that draw on the circulation of images, knowledge, and capital; Photo50 2018 examines vital directions in contemporary photographic practice.
