FFF Academy: Programme 2018 / FFF Akademie: das Programm 2018
Top-class workshops and lectures / Hochkarätige Workshops und Vorträge
Mathieu Asselin » Andrea Diefenbach » Rob Hornstra » Ute Mahler » Gideon Mendel » Arno Rafael Minkkinen » Derek Ridgers » Nils Thies » & others

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)
+49 (0)69-291726
Tue-Sun 11-18

FFF Academy: Programme 2018
Top-class workshops and lectures
Portrait, extremes, a long-term project on the topic of relationships, and unusual photo books: The 2018 programme of the FFF Academy offers a wide range of workshops and lectures with the expertise of internationally renowned photographers and specialists. Registration is possible online from now on.
The workshop "Portrait – A Self-Staging" with Ute Mahler (*1949) deals with the concepts and techniques of portrait photography. The co-founder of the Berlin-based photographer’s agency OST-KREUZ is one of the most important contemporary German photographers, well-known for her work in the former East German magazine "Sibylle". Ute Mahler works on approaches to portrait photography also using her own work as an example (Saturday/Sunday, February 24/25, only waitlist).
The portrait is also the main topic in a lecture and workshop by the British photographer Derek Ridgers (*1950). How well should one know the person portrayed? Is the image the result of long research or a chance moment? Such questions, as well as aspects of possible preparation and intuitive work are dealt with by Ridgers, who comes from the fields of music, advertising and fashion photography and whose portraits of British punk youth were shown in the FFF exhibition ROCK.FUNK.PUNK. in 2017 (lecture: Friday, April 27; Workshop: Saturday/Sunday, April 28/29).
The next multi-part workshop of the FFF Academy will start on 24 March. This time the German photographer Andrea Diefenbach (*1974) will collaborate with the workshop participants in order to develop a long-term project on the theme of relationship. She will deal with the social inter-actions within love, friendship or the workplace, but also the relationship to one's own body, to places or things. The workshop extends over a total of four sessions and ends in December with a presentation at the FFF (start: Saturday, March 24; further dates May 05, August 11, Dec 01).
The Frankfurt photographer and photo journalist Nils Thies returns once again to encourage us to discover Frankfurt from new perspectives with his popular workshops. The format Frankfurt through the Lens is aimed at beginners who mainly want to get acquainted with their cameras while strolling through the Main metropolis (Saturday, July 07 and August 04). Frankfurt through the Lens Plus expands basic knowledge and the perception of urbanism, architecture and people in the city (Saturday, June 02, July 28, Oct 06). At the beginning of March, you can look forward to a new addition to the programme: Frankfurt through the Lens. The Smartphone Edition – for the skilful use of the smartphone camera and gaining know-how in street photography (Saturday, March 02).
"Extreme", the central theme of the photo Triennial RAY, which will take place for the third time in the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main area in 2018, will not only be the subject of numerous exhibitions and events from May to September, but is also a focus of the FFF Academy. The French photographer Mathieu Asselin (*1973) deals with photographic investigation in his workshop and lecture. Asselin’s own documentary photo investigation of the activities of the chemical giant Monsanto and their consequences for humans is nominated for the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2018 and will also be shown at the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt as part of RAY 2018. (Lecture: Friday, May 18, Workshop: Saturday/Sunday, May 19/20). In his workshop Building a Lifetime Vision, the Finnish photographer Arno Rafael Minkkinen (*1945) helps the participants to develop their own unique image repertoire (Sunday, May 27).
The photo is ready – and now what? Various workshops are available on the topic of print matters, for example with graphic design professional Viktor Balko as well as image editor Erik Clewe (both Saturday, Aug 18) and the photographer and innovative DIY publisher Rob Hornstra (Sunday, Aug 19). A panel discussion on the topic will take place on Saturday, August 18 with Balko, Clewe and Ute Noll, picture editor of DU magazine.
Last but not least: "Young talents to the camera" is once more the motto of the FFF Junior holiday programme in 2018. In four-day workshops under the guidance of photographer Wolfgang Zurborn and art educator Lisa Weber, children and adolescents of Frankfurt's youth institutions learn how to use the camera, acquire artistic practices in the context of current FFF exhibitions and take their own photographs. The FFF art education programme for disadvantaged children and young people is also supported by the office of the Mayor of Frankfurt who is the patron of the project.
Also programmed for the second half of the Academy year 2018: Pradip Malde (lecture June 08, workshop June 09/10), Ute Noll (workshop Aug 17) and Martin Liebscher (workshop Nov 03/04).
Further information and registration: www.fffrankfurt.org/aktuell/