© Karlheinz Weinberger, courtesy Galerie Esther Woerdehoff
Catherine Balet » Elliott Erwitt » FLORE » René Groebli » Léon Herschtritt » Jason Langer » Karlheinz Weinberger »
Exhibition: 3 Feb – 3 May 2018
Galerie Photographique BJ Hotel La Belle Juliette
92 rue du Cherche-Midi
75006 Paris
+33 (0)9-51 51 24 50
daily 11-22
Romantic lovers or couple of rockers, cheeks to cheeks and wedding night, sweet embraces and passionate kisses, the BJ Gallery devotes its new exhibition to love, just in time for Valentine's Day!
Elliott Erwitt took photographs, now iconic masterpieces, that seem to come from an American movie of the 50s.
René Groebli, with his series The Eye of Love, recalls with sweetness and sensuality his honeymoon in a small Parisian hotel, in 1952.
In the 60s, Karlheinz Weinberger welcomes young rebels in his Zurich apartment where they have their first love affairs, fiery and queer.
At about the same time, Léon Herschtritt photographs Les Amoureux de Paris and their gentle embraces in the Rive Gauche cafes.
More recently, Catherine Balet revisits history of photography and stages her model, Ricardo, in a daring tribute to Doisneau and his Baiser de l’Hôtel de ville.
Jason Langer suggests the complicity of a couple in the mere detail of their gait.
Flore, with a diptych from her series une femme française en Orient, evokes sensual intimacy in precious small silver prints.
Through the works of seven artists and half a century of photography, this new exhibition & sale at the BJ gallery celebrates the beauty of love in the elegant and cosy lounge of the Hotel & Spa La Belle Juliette. This exhibition is organized with Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Galerie Thierry Bigaignon representing Catherine Balet and Galerie Sit Down representing Flore.