Courtesy The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam
Alinka Echeverría »
The Road to Tepeyac
Exhibition: 18 Mar – 2 Sep 2018
Sun 18 Mar 13:00
Preus fotomuseum
Kommandørkaptein Klincks vei 7
3183 Horten
Jun-Aug: daily 11-16; Sep-May: Thu-Sun 11-16

Preus National Museum of Photography
Kommandørkaptein Klincks vei 7
3183 Horten
Jun-Aug: daily 11-16; Sep-May: Thu-Sun 11-16

Courtesy The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam
Alinka Echeverría's project The Road to Tepeyac is about devout Mexican pilgrims carrying their personal image of the Virgin of Guadalupe on the anniversary of her apparition in 1531.
Alinka Echeverría (born 1981 in Mexico City) is an artist that works with photography’s expanded field. She holds a Masters degree in Social Anthropology and Development from the University in Edinburgh (2004) as well as a post graduate degree in photography from the International Center for Photography in New York (2008). With her combined training in photography and social anthropology, she brings a critical approach to questions of visual representation.
In “The Road to Tepeyac” her social anthropological background is clear. By highlighting all the devout Mexican pilgrims carrying their personal image of the Virgin of Guadalupe on the anniversary of her apparition in 1531, she shows the kaleidoscopic experience of multiple re-presentations of the sacred image and deconstructs the historical, political, philosophical, psychological and anthropological relationship between an invisible presence and its materialized expression.

Courtesy The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam
“The Road to Tepeyac” is a collaboration with the artist, Alinka Echeverría, and the Ravestijn Gallery in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The artist will be present at the opening.

Courtesy The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam

Courtesy The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam