Kapsula. Zoopark publishing
Alexandr Bondar » Tatyana Palyga »
Exhibition: 20 Apr – 5 May 2018

The Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography
Bolshaya Polyanka street, 61, bld. 1
119180 Moscow
+7 495-228 98 78
Mon-Sat 11-20

KAPSULA. Zoopark publishing
An exhibition by ZOOPARK PUBLISHING team
(Tatyana Palyga, Alexandr Bondar)
April 20 — May 6 PHOTOBOOKFEST 2018
The Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography
PHOTOBOOKFEST 2018 presents the Kapsula project, an exhibition by young Russian artists Tatyana Palyga and Alexandr Bondar, members of the Zoopark Publishing team aka just Zoopark. The project is about Saint Petersburg, winter, which has finally left us and which we will (not) miss, and also about our hopes for the future.
The exhibition is based on a text from a time capsule hidden in the wall of a Novosibirsk community centre in 1967 and taken out and open in 2017 to mark 100 years since the Russian revolution. The authors manage to bring together various language norms by combining the text of the official message and direct analog photography, playing with and blurring the boundaries of photographic language norms.

Zoopark has actively worked with amateur photography aesthetics, using mainly a film camera to take shots. Since 2010 the team has realised all its projects (more than 10 already) in the form of small edition publishing actively using all the opportunities this format offers. The exhibition is opening on the 20th of April in the Small Hall of the The Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography.
Read more information on the web-site photobookfest.com