© Pradip Malde
Fototriennale RAY 2018
Mathieu Asselin » Lois Hechenblaikner » Krista Caballero & Frank Ekeberg » Paula Luttringer » Pradip Malde » Gideon Mendel » Ami Vitale »
Exhibition: 24 May – 9 Sep 2018
Wed 23 May 19:00

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)
+49 (0)69-291726
Tue-Sun 11-18

Exhibition: May 24 – September 9, 2018
For RAY 2018 Fotografieprojekte Frankfurt/RheinMain.
The topics are scarred landscapes, animals threatened with extinction and the often dubious practices of industry and politics: As part of the photography triennial RAY 2018 the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents contemporary artists who are working on the forefront of environmental awareness. On display are works by Mathieu Asselin (*1973 FR/VZ), Lois Hechenblaikner (*1958 AT), Paula Luttringer (*1955 AR/FR), Pradip Malde (*1957 TZ/US), Gideon Mendel (*1959 ZA/GB), Ami Vitale (*1971 US) as well as the artist duo Krista Caballero (*1976 US) and Frank Ekeberg (*1970 NO/US). On display are obvious and hidden aspects of man’s impact on the environment expressed in poetic, investigative and abstract visualizations. As artists, photo-activists and story tellers they develop new recipes of inquiry that address climate change and biodiversity, or the developments spawned from industrial or political fraudulence and provide reflection upon the Anthropocene era.
For his long-term project Drowning World South Africa born photographer Gideon Mendel has crossed the world portraying lives and homes which have been devasteted through massive floods. The victims’ faces from Submerged Portraits and the reflecting water in spaces of Floodlines are indifferent to social class or cultures. In a similar way the Austrian artist Lois Hechenblaikner works within thematic chapters. The photographs of manipulated landscapes and behind-the-scenes events reveal the impact of global warming and winter tourism in his alpine homeland.
Three different artistic positions in the exhibition deal with the effects of when governments or corporations try to ignore damages that evolve into epic proportions. Mathieu Asselin’s award-winning book and installation Monsanto®: A Photographic Investigation about the agrochemical biotech corporation Monsanto, employs interviews, photography and films in which the artist reveals the controversial methods of a business in conflict with the sustainability of natural biodiversity. Pradip Malde’s The Third Heaven, consisting of a wall collage and an artist book object, is a visual poem and an homage to the resilience of the Haitian people against political upheaval earthquake devastation, deforestation and hurricanes. Paula Luttringer’s work Entrevero uses the technique of double exposure to create a mysterious landscape. Formed by receding water after a 30-year-old-flood caused by a broken dam the work becomes an allegory for Argentina coming to terms with the brutalities of dictatorships – and the artist’s own imprisonment in the 1970s.
National Geographic photographer Ami Vitale brings us eye to eye with China’s scientific undertaking to save the panda bear – and the surrealism of the reverse roles: animals in captivity and zoologists dressed in panda costumes. Extinction on a global scale is also the catalyst for the installation from artists Krista Caballero and Frank Ekeberg. In a room filled with sound, based on the warning signals of birds, unique photographic objects provide an interactive experience about dwindling bird life. Additionally, Caballero and Ekeberg will also create a piece about the Frankfurt Rhine/Main bird population in public space as part of their ongoing series Birding the Future.
THUR, 31.05., 6 – 7.30 pm SCREENINGS
e.g. by Rondal Partridge, Mathieu Asselin, Lisa Rave and Lois Hechenblaikner
FR, 08.06., 6 pm LECTURE with Pradip Malde
SAT/SUN, 09./10.06., 10 am – 6 pm WORKSHOP
»IMAGINATION AND TRUTH« with Pradip Malde [in English]
FR, 20.07., 6 pm: LECTURE with Gideon Mendel
»DROWNING WORLD« [in English]
SA/SO, 21./22.07., 10 am – 6 pm WORKSHOP
»MEMORY AND MATERIALITY« with Gideon Mendel [in English]
Curator’s tour with Celina Lunsford:
Sunday, July 29, 2018, 3pm
Sunday, August 12, 2018, 3pm
Guided tours: every Wednesday, 6pm
Location: Unless otherwise notes all events take place at the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, Braubachstr. 30–32, 60311 Frankfurt.
More information: www.fffrankfurt.org
The exhibiton EXTREME. ENVIRONMENTS is part of RAY 2018 Fotografieprojekte Frankfurt/RheinMain. The international photography triennial takes place for the third time from 23.05.–09.09.2018 in Frankfurt and the region Rhine-Main. RAY 2018 EXTREME presents exhibitions of the Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie and Kunstforum der TU Darmstadt; the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation in The Cube (Eschborn); the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt; the Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main; and the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main. The curatorial concept of RAY 2018 EXTREME was developed by curators of the participating institutions and collections of photography in Frankfurt and the region: Anne-Marie Beckmann (Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation), Peter Gorschlüter (MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main), Alexandra Lechner (Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie), Celina Lunsford (Fotografie Forum Frankfurt), and Matthias Wagner K (Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main).
More information and all exhibitions: www.ray2018.de