Louis Lucchesi »
Exhibition: 14 Apr – 2 Jun 2018
MOPS - The Museum of Photography Seoul
14, Wiryeseong-daero, Songpa-gu
138-724 Seoul
Mon-Fri 10-19, Thu, 10-21, Sat 11-18:30, Sun closed
Museum Hanmi
14, Wiryeseong-daero, Songpa-gu
138-724 Seoul

International and Korean artists experimenting with different forms of photography can be met this year in The Museum of Photography, Seoul. The series of group and solo exhibitions will start off with French photographer Xavier Lucchesi's THE UNSEEN. It tells enchanting stories hidden inside famous artworks revealed by x-ray camera, an apparatus often used for medical or industrial purposes. Many artists use x-rays in their works but often they end up with routine results rather than making fundamental approaches. For more than 2 decades, Lucchesi went to renowned museums and institutions from around the world that are difficult to access to seek their approvals and lay those master pieces underneath an x-ray camera. The results are one of a kind that radiate with brilliant ideas, presenting new vision to the interpretations we have taken for granted. They uncover the essence lying between the known and unknown, as well as the visible and invisible, to expose the fact that was never seen before. Xavier Lucchesi's THE UNSEEN exhibition will be a special chance to see with your own eyes those hidden stories and at the same time decipher the socio-cultural significance buried in the objects of photography.