01-03 From I Would Also Like to Be – A Work on Jealousy, artist book, 2013 © Jenny Rova
SITUATIONS #121 - #128 / Cluster: Follower
Vito Acconci » David Goldblatt » Pia Hellenthal » Lauren Lee McCarthy » Marisa Olson » Jenny Rova » & others
Exhibition: 28 Apr – 1 Jul 2018

Fotomuseum Winterthur
Grüzenstr. 44+45
8400 Winterthur
+41 (0)52-2341060
temp. closed

Surveilling, monitoring and controlling have been historically associated with powers attributed to photographic media. Furthermore, photography has always been the enabler of our latent and voyeuristic desires, and as such a site of projection of our cultural imaginary as well as a space of negotiation of self-images. How have these dynamics changed and been intensified by the present role of distributed photographic media, as we keep moving between the desire to control and to be looked at, short-circuited between our role of producer and consumer, of fan and fractal celebrity?
SITUATIONS/Follower explores some of the current shifts, revealing the construction of our representations online, exposing both our obsessive desires and vulnerable selves as well as the search for mastery and control through images. With works by Vito Acconci, David Goldblatt, Pia Hellenthal & Giorgia Malatrasi, Lauren McCarthy, Marisa Olson, and Jenny Rova.
Kindly supported by Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne.
On the opening night of Friday, 27 April 2018, artist and former punk singer Marisa Olson will present WellWellWell (wellwellwell.guru), her newest performative project to consider the nature of life in the postinternet era. Deploying both internet-based videos and live motivational lectures, Olson has crafted an alter ego persona resembling an online meditation guru with a cult following as addicted to her as they are to the internet itself. The guru’s videos and lectures guide followers through creative visualization exercises, relaxation techniques, and heartfelt conversations about the way that digital technologies simultaneously stress us out and provide new tools for rebooting. WellWellWell (a riff on //www.) is inspired by the contemporary wellness craze, but rooted in the historical relationship between cyberculture and counterculture, and continues Olson’s ongoing interests in the history of technology and visual culture.
Further events in the cluster include: SITUATION #126
Talk with Zurich-based artist Jenny Rova on her work I Would Also Like to Be – A Work on Jealousy (2013) Wednesday, 20 June 2018, 6.30 p.m.
All SITUATIONS of the cluster “Follower” (#121 to #128) will be accessible online: situations.fotomuseum.ch