Tokio II, 2013
Lightjetprint, Diasec
153,3 x 207 cm
Christian Höhn »
Exhibition: 4 Aug – 4 Nov 2018
Sat 4 Aug 16:30

Herforder Kunstverein
Deichtorwall 2
32052 Herford
Wed-Sat 14-18, Sun 11-18

Paris II, 2010
Lightjetprint, Diasec
148,5 x 198 cm
Christian Höhn
4. August bis 4. November 2018
Eröffnung: Samstag, 4. August, 16.30 Uhr
Der Künstler ist anwesend. Begrüßung: Sarah Heitkemper
Einführung: Prof. Dr. Christoph Schaden (Fakultät Design der TH Nürnberg)
Herforder Kulturnacht: Samstag, 22.09.2018 – freier Eintritt
Christian Höhn führt um 19 Uhr durch die Ausstellung
For many years, Christian Höhn’s work has focused on various urban topics. Images presented in this show include large-scale acrylics and lightboxes from different work series created in the past 12 years.
Megacities – A series now comprising over 50 works from cities all over the world
One Station – Railway stations in literature
Dubai Monuments – Images taken during the time of the financial crisis when construction in Dubai was halted
Christian Höhn’s work has focused for many years on the world’s megacities. His photographs of settings in large cities, usually shot from elevated perspectives, evoke a wide range of associations, and convey monumentality and often feelings such as anonymity and alienation. The large-scale photographs show both a wide diversity and at the same time a certain uniformity in international urbanization. Purposeful colour nuances and perspectives enhance the clear-cut city esthetics which make surface, style and design their central maxim, and which are ultimately inescapable. Christian Höhn takes up this tendency in his works, underlining his point of view with the means of modern photography. Nevertheless these are authentic images which, due to the Diasec process or mounting in a lightbox, have a particular effect and brilliancy.
These images, completely devoid of people, express more than you would notice at first sight. The viewer cannot help reaching certain conclusions about the people living here, about their environment, their moods, their needs, and also their fears. Thus – although invisible – human beings and the issue of their life ideologies become the real topic. The series “Megacities” currently comprises over 50 works and is exhibited both nationally and internationally in public institutions, museums and galleries.
China Megacity, Verlag für moderne Kunst
One Station
Writers of all ages and all cultures have found the railway station to be a fitting stage for literary fiction. Christian Höhn set out to create an artistic documentary of the sites of these emotional and literary moments. His large-scale photographs transcend the boundary between reality and poetry, creating surreal pictures of station buildings and allowing the viewer to join in his search for the great emotions of literature.
One Station - Poesie der Bahnhöfe, Verlag für moderne Kunst