Lambda print, video
117.5 x 78.5 cm, 9 min. 13 sec.
MAM Collection 008
Makoto Aida » Chim↑Pom »
Exhibition: 6 Oct 2018 – 20 Jan 2019

Mori Art Museum
6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku
106-6150 Tokyo
Sun-Thu 10-22 . Fri, Sat 10-24
Crows appear in myths around the world as good-luck omens and symbols of the sun, while also being repeatedly depicted as symbols of evil and ill fortune, due to the association of their black feathers and carrion-chomping habits with death. Taking these more-than-a-little ambiguous birds as their motif, Aida Makoto and Chim↑Pom, both known for employing unconventional viewpoints and techniques to get to the heart of social and political issues, reflect various aspects of modern society.