From the Zafra to the Revolution – Cuban Photography
Paco Altuna » Constantino Arias » Felipe Atoy » Luc Chessex » Raúl Corrales » Venancio Diaz (Maique) » Paolo Gasparini » Alberto Diaz Korda (Guttierrez) » Jorge Lezcano » Mayito (Mario García Joya) » Liborio Noval » Osvaldo Salas » Amador Vales » & others
Tue 25 Sep 19:00
Hotel Westin Palace
Plaza de las Cortes 7
28014 Madrid

Juan Naranjo Madrid
Paseo de la Castellana 70 bajos
28046 Madrid
(+34)-659 95 66 48
Tue-Thu 17-20, Wed 11-14

"From the Zafra to the Revolution – Cuban Photography"
Photography Auction: Tuesday, 25 September, 2018, 7pm
Neptune III Hall, Palace Hotel (Westin Palace) plaza de las Cortes n. 7, 28014 Madrid
+34 659 95 66 48
Catalogue and bids:
Viewing Barcelona:
20 September, 11 to 13,30 and 17 to 19 h
Juan Naranjo Galería de Arte & Documentos
Casanova 136-138 B-3 08036 Barcelona
Viewing Madrid:
25 September, 10 to 14 and from 15 to 17
Neptune Hall III Hotel Palace (Westin Palace)
plaza de las Cortes n. 7, 28014 Madrid
Juan Naranjo Galería de Arte & Documentos organizes an auction divided into three sessions, on September 25, 2018 at 7 pm in the Neptune III Hall of the Palace Hotel, Plaza de las Cortes no. 7, 28014 Madrid and online at invaluable.com
Session I
From the Zafra to the Revolution – Documentary photographs of Cuba, 1938-1979 composed of 175 lots of photographs taken by some of the most important Cuban photographers or who worked on the island between 1938 and 1979, among which are Korda, Salas, Mayito , Raul Corrales, Constantino Arias, Pancho Cano, Felipe Atoy, Venancio Diaz, Paco Altuna, Barcala, Liborio Noval, Jorge Lezcano, Jorge Oller, Naranjo, Amador Vales, Luc Chessex, Paolo Gasparini.

Session II
Documents and Archives 1776 - 1959 in which the handwritten note and the telegrams that Albert Einstein sent in favor of democracy and the Spanish government stand out, in December 1936, a few months after the start of the Civil War, the archive of Marcelino Domingo, politician, journalist and writer, who was minister during the Second Republic or the archive of 610 documentary units from the Cantabrian merchant Esteban González de Linares and his son-in-law Vicente de Cosío, related to colonial activity during his stay in Caracas, Venezuela, between 1785 and 1791, the set of military maps belonging to the Duke of Dalmatia, who became head of the French army in Spain, during the French occupation and Minister of War in France on several occasions The notes handwritten by El Che, Ernesto Guevara to Panchito, his personal advisor in 1959 during the Cuban Revolution.
Session III
Multiplicable works, photography and postcards composed of 111 lots of photographs and postcards that introduced an important change of social habits that became a new form of communication, had a wide visibility and became objects of desire and collection . Among the most important lots, we can find an important album of photographs belonging to the family of photographer Rafael Rocafull, group of stereoscopic nudes, 1850-1860, a set of daguerreotypes and modernist postcards of artists such as Raphael Kirchner, Ramon Casas, Henri Meunier...