Carla van de Puttelaar »
Exhibition: 14 Oct 2018 – 13 Jan 2019
Sat 13 Oct 16:00

Museum De Zwarte Tulp
Heereweg 219
2161 BG Lisse
0252 -41 79 00
Tue-Sun 10-17

In this exhibition Carla van de Puttelaar will show foremost new works in which women and flowers will be featured, often combined, based on the story of Hamlet's Ophelia. The inspiration for this work is expressed by Carla as follows: "The theme of Ophelia combines love, life and death in a very theatrical manner. It has inspired artists for several centuries and this was even enhanced by John Everett Millais’ epic painting of the subject. The theme also has aspects of sensuality and vulnerability that intertwine with my work. Ophelia was the tragic beloved from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, who drowned upon having fallen into a stream from a willow tree and who was found floating, surrounded by flowers. Ophelia has long lingered in my work, already long ago I had encountered her in the work of the Pre-Raphaelites, but only in 2017 the theme started to flourish when women, plants and flowers encountered each other in my work. There was a special stillness I experienced and tried to capture of flowers on skin, tendrils following curves, entwined and adopted in deep black in submission to another world."