Baptiste Rabichon »
Exhibition: 8 Nov – 11 Nov 2018
Paris Photo - Grand Palais
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris

Paris Photo
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris
Baptiste Rabichon uses photography in a way that gives new meaning to the idea of a material-carrying content. His work proposes a set of sensations and impressions. His discourse is constructed through the use of complex manufacturing tools and protocols, mixing new technologies and old techniques; an experiment in which fantasy coincides with admiration for the great ancestors.
As a good gardener, that is to say craftsman, the artist strives to use the best processes: film and digital, focusing on one single occupation, the need to provide a new sensibility for our époque, an animistic resolution, living forms of matter.
Beauty appears here in the form of a loving union; a reconciliation between beings, objects and plants.
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