Cheap Vapes & Power Drink, 2018
2 dig. c-prints, custom-made frames,140 x 120 cm
courtesy by KLEMM'S
Paris Photo 2018
Viktoria Binschtok » Jan Groover » & others
Fair: 8 Nov – 11 Nov 2018
Wed 7 Nov
Paris Photo - Grand Palais - Booth D25
Avenue Winston Churchill
75001 Paris

Leipziger Str. 57/58
10117 Berlin
Wed-Sat 12-18

Untitled (1070), 1981
Platinum-palladium contact print
25,4 x 20,3 cm
courtesy by KLEMM'S, Berlin and Janet Borden, New York
KLEMM'S @ Paris Photo 2018:
A two-artist dialogue to contemplate the pictorial fabric that has determined our lives over generations.
A presentation conceived by
Viktoria Binschtok
with selected works by
Jan Groover
For the 2018 edition of Paris Photo, we are pleased to present works by the artists Jan Groover and Viktoria Binschtok.
Linked to her concept of „networked images“, Viktoria Binschtok has conceived our Paris Photo booth and chosen works by Jan Groover that come into dialogue with the connected, but fragmented image culture of the last century. A conscious and authorial selection process plays an integral part in both artists' practices—from the layered material design of the booth, to Groover's subjective, but highly aestheticized vision, to Binschtok's own articulation of today's self-reflective image landscape beyond the actual photograph. Visual nets are simultaneaously cast and called into question, opening up a space to contemplate the pictorial fabric that has determined our lives over generations.
Jan Groover and Viktoria Binschtok fuse gestures, signs, and surfaces in their works of photographic details, revealing a heightened sense of the world at large in their meticulous and aesthetic compositions. Both artists’ oeuvres link to the intricacies of visual culture in their respective times – one far off from the digital world of images, the other constantly reflecting on it.

Untitled (1706), 1986
Platinum-palladium contact print
25,4 x 20,3 cm
courtesy by KLEMM'S, Berlin and Janet Borden, New York

Plant & Pattern, 2018
2 dig. c-prints, custom-made frames, ca. 140 x 120 cm
courtesy by KLEMM'S

Untitled (1706), 1986
Platinum-palladium contact print
25,4 x 20,3 cm
courtesy by KLEMM'S, Berlin and Janet Borden, New York