Ruud van Empel »
Making Nature
Exhibition: 9 Feb – 26 May 2019
Sat 9 Feb

Museum Belvédère
Oranje Nassaulaan 12
8448 MT Heerenveen-Oranjewoud
0513-644 999
Tue-Sun 11-17

Ruud van Empel - Making Nature
February 9 - May 26, 2019
Opening: February 9, 2019
Photographer and visual artist Ruud van Empel (1958) has achieved world fame with his fictional children's portraits in paradisiacal surroundings. In his latest photo works, man is no longer present, but he focuses entirely on flora. These latest series can be seen from February 9 to May 26, 2019 in the Belvédère Museum.
The photographic works that are shown in Ruud van Empel - Making Nature consist of carefully composed 'computer collages' in which nature - trees, plants and flowers - are brought to glow with beauty. As in his earlier series, the natural works were modeled on reality, but at the same time also permeated with the mysterious atmosphere of an alienating, almost dreamed (un) reality.

With their sense of supreme beauty they fit into a romantic tradition, but there is always a feeling of unease in the works. With all the fabulous virtuosity with which these images of nature have been put together, there is a clear awareness that this is not 'real'. There is an ironic edge, an almost satirical exaggeration. This ambiguity is also expressed in the title of the exhibition: Making Nature. In the book that appears at the exhibition, art historian Ruud Schenk writes: "For those who know Van Empel's method, the reference to 'making work' will be clear: the digital collage technique he has developed to a great extent, in which small excerpts from (also always taken by himself) photos are 'cut' and seamlessly merged into new images. Van Empel never wanted to attract much of what is mainstream in the art world, and he has chosen his own way in both form and content. It makes Van Empel the composer of his entirely own visual symphonies, sonatas and nocturnes. "
Ruud van Empel