VIDEONALE.17 – Award Ceremony
Festival for Video and Time-Based Arts
Sohrab Hura » Stefan Panhans » & others
Festival: 21 Feb – 24 Feb 2019
Wed 20 Feb 20:00
Videonale e.V. im Kunst Museum Bonn
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2
53113 Bonn

VIDEONALE.17 – Award Ceremony
Videonale Award of the fluentum Collection 2019: Sohrab Hura
Honorable mention: Stefan Panhans
Sohrab Hura wins the Videonale Award of the fluentum Collection. From the 29 video works nominated, the four-member jury unanimously selected the artist’s video work “The Lost Head and the Bird“. Stefan Panhans received an “honorable mention“ for “Hostel“.
The members of the jury were: Dr. Inke Arns (director Hartware Medienkunstverein Dortmund), Prof. Dr. Stephan Berg (general director Kunstmuseum Bonn), Nikola Dietrich (director Kölnischer Kunstverein), Marcel Schwierin (director Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst Oldenburg)
In its decision to award the Videonale Award of the fluentum Collection, the jury stated:
"The Lost Head and the Bird opens with a short story: a woman loses her head and begins to look for a new one. A photograph of a contorted human body gradually appears. The fairytale of the headless woman, Madhu, then gives way to a flood of found footage consisting of photos and videos. Two images at a time are juxtaposed and thus come to form a third. The ever faster and more violent stream of images is accompanied by a driving soundtrack from Hannes d’Hoine and Sjoerd Bruil.
Like a machine spinning out of control, the story of the headless woman disappears into this torrent of brutal social media images, from which a picture of a whole society emerges. The artist’s video develops a convincing visual language to address the problematic of sexual, religious, and political violence in Indian society. Here the sometimes voyeuristic images play with our own voyeurism as viewers. The handwritten credits list all of the sources used and function as a reprise of the film. The Lost Head and the Bird is a furious video that confronts the reality of Indian (and not only Indian) society.
This is why the jury has decided to award the 5,000 euro Videonale Prize of the fluentum collection to the New Delhi-based artist, Sohrab Hura."
Biographical data of the artist:
* 1981 in Chinsurah, West Bengal, IND, lives and works in New Delhi, IND
studied at the Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, IND
Honorable mention
"Hostel" by Stefan Panhans
“Hostel” – an extract from the Videonale catalogue, text by Anne Fährmann
“»Am I really yellow? Or perhaps green? Am I really black, are you really white? Or blue? Or pink, or perhaps small-minded?« These and many other questions are posed by the five performers in Stefan Panhansʼ mini-series. In a collage of images and sounds, visual symbols and spoken text, HOSTEL mainly addresses racism, prejudices, and clichés, digitization and the relationship between humans and technology, as well as consumption. The images and sounds appear to be arbitrarily mixed and only make sense again combined in the common message. In this manner, Panhans uses a dream staged in an exaggerated way to create a fragmented picture of the present that in a bizarre way reflects our zeitgeist. Between everyday racism and the general feeling of being overtaxed by rapid globalization and digitization, his artistic position helps prompt the required discussions and reflections.”
The 17th edition of the Videonale REFRACTED REALITIES pursues the question of how and with what means realities are constructed and distributed today. What possibilities do media in general and artistic media in particular have at their disposal to critically engage with their own role in forming opinions and shaping the public? What artistic strategies are currently being developed to enable alternative views and integrate new perspectives?
From the 1,100 submissions from 66 countries, 29 positions from 16 countries have been selected for the competition.