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AfterJ.M.W. Turner 1834-2019
Hiroyuki Masuyama
J.M.W. TURNER Looking along the Riva degli Schiavoni, from near the Rio dell’Arsenale, 1840
Ed. 2/7
led lightbox
24,6 x 30,4 x 4 cm

Hiroyuki Masuyama »

AfterJ.M.W. Turner 1834-2019

Exhibition: 8 May – 28 Jul 2019

Wed 8 May 11:30

Isola della Giudecca, GAD - Giudecca Art District

Dorsoduro, Fond. San Giacomo 211/B

Studio la Citta

Lungadige Galtarossa 21
37133 Verona

+39 045-597549


Mon 14-18, Tue-Fri 9-13 + 14-18, Sat 9-13

After J.M.W. Turner 1834-2019 is a series of works by Hiroyuki Masuyama. The show has been installed in the lower floor of the venue. The works chosen were inspired by the paintings of journeys made by Joseph Mallord William Turner, the extraordinary English painter who lived from the end of the eighteenth to the beginning of the nineteenth century. The Japanese artist has, with great acuity, managed to capture the sense of Turner’s research through variously sized light-boxes, reveal highly complex images consisting of various elements, which are almost superimpositions and stratifications of images.
