© Denis Darzacq
Denis Darzacq »
Exhibition: 3 May – 2 Jun 2019
Thu 2 May 18:00
La Galerie Paris 1839
G/F - 74 Hollywood Road, Central
Hong Kong
+852-2540 4777
daily 11-19
With this new series of work, Denis Darzacq continues his reflections initiated with Recomposition and Contreformes on the distancing of the photographic signifier. He creates abstract images that represent nothing but themselves, highlighting the absence of information other than plastics. From prints of elements of the two previous series, he folds, creases, cuts, tears and re-arranges these photographic prints in compositions with strong colors and precise and contrasting light. This chaotic assemblage brings together in the same context forms that come from painting as much as sculpture or mobiles, these plastic forms that innervate and influence its creation. He creates photographs of ephemeral composition objects by changing the scale of their representation.