6th Korea International Photo Festival 2019
Lionel Bayol-Themines » Noémie Goudal » Gyu-Tae Hwang » Jaegu Kang » Sarah Knobel » Meryl McMaster » Daniel Moreira » Wang Qingsong »
Festival: 25 May – 30 May 2019
Seoul Arts Center, Hangaram Design Museum
2406, Nambusunhwan-ro, Seocho-gu,
+82 2-

Duration and Change
We live in an age of change. From small, personal changes to the major ones with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we are faced with different changes. During this period, we have various experiences - confusion in the new environment, the process of overcoming and adapting to it, and new opportunities that emerge in the end. The main exhibition

Searching for Change
The special exhibition at the 6th Korea International Photo Festival focuses on the question of “How does modern photography change?” and has chosen ‘Searching for Change’ as its topic to ensure examination from various perspectives. The exhibition, which includes about 70 photographers from about 10 countries, is composed of total 6 sections.
Section 1 represents the projects that casts a critical look at the social phenomena which are arriving at the present and in the future according to human desires. Section 2 features the projects that encounters the haptique temporality of the past, present, and expanded photography through the myths interwoven with temporality. Section 3 presents the projects that size up the photographic power and the role of documentary in an exhibition commemorating the centennial of March 1st Independence Movement. Section 4 displays the analog projects that present modern interpretation of the classical printing technique of the 19th century. Section 5 of ‘spectrum’ shows the projects in diverse-ranging genres and with different modes of expression. And Section 6 spotlights the projects in an international competition which apply 100 methods to render the flowers in different countries. Different sections bring not only the projects in photography but also those that blend 3D, installation, and video. The special exhibition on ‘Searching for Change’ will serve to reaffirm the possibilities of photography.