Émeric Lhuisset »
Exhibition: 7 Nov – 10 Nov 2019
Paris Photo - Grand Palais
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris

Paris Photo
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris
BMW is an Official Partner of Paris Photo since 2003 and created the BMW Residency to support young creation, awarding a carte blanche each year to an emerging photographer. The eighth winner, Emeric Lhuisset, presents L'autre rive and invites us to reimagine the story of a land that refuses simplification. Because it focuses solely on the event, photojournalism is usually presented to us as the only relevant commentary. But, an isolated fact does not speak for itself. By nature, the speed of the event, its shock value, seem to correspond with the supposedly neutral qualities of the camera. It is not a small merit of Emeric Lhuisset to break the taboo of immediacy in favor of knowledge, the fruit of commitment and questionning.